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Próximo Futuro

Próximo Futuro


Vasl International Artists' Workshop, Pakistan

Próximo Futuro

(Performance de Adnan Madani, VASL workshop, Paquistão)



VASL (which means “to come together” or “a meeting point”) is an artists’-led collective that has been running workshops and residencies in Karachi for the last 7 years. Vasl brings together local and international artists for a period of intensive exchange of ideas and art practice. They are a part of a Network of Workshops under Triangle Arts Trust UK, which was set up by Robert Loder, and Sir Anthony Caro in 1982.

VASL conducts and offers Artists Residencies, Workshops and Educational Outreach. The workshops and Residencies have created an alternative learning space outside formal educational institutions, thus enabling the visiting artist to share issues of identity and art practice on a different level. On its website, it engages and connects people from all over the world with a strong level of dialogue on issues of identity, and the role of the creative process in forging cross-cultural links.

They are committed to having a forum for exchange and experimentation, between art communities in Pakistan and abroad. Over the last two years, they have been working with our partners in South Asia to create more links between artists through the web.



Call for Applications: Performance, Moving Image and Sound

Application deadline: Friday January 13th


Workshop dates: 23rd February to March 12th, 2012
In 2012 Vasl Artists’ Collective is hosting its third international workshop in Karachi, Pakistan. Workshops are short intensive residencies that include a diverse range of participants in a larger group than regular residency programmes at Vasl. This workshop will focus on performance, moving image and sound.
Applications are open for ten Pakistani and international artists practicing in these mediums, and for those interested in working with performance, moving image and sound for the occasion of the workshop. Artworks will be developed throughout the project and shown to the public through interventions in the city over the two weeks and at an ‘open day’ display on the final weekend.

Applications should include:
·      A cover letter detailing your interest in participating, (no more than 800 words).
·      A CV with portrait.
·      Contact details of two referees.
·      Documentation of previous works. (Please do not send files of more than 8MB over email. Send any large files via filesharing sources – Yousendit/Dropbox, etc, or provide website links to works viewable online.)


Para mais informações, basta navegar até aqui.




"Humans, environment and economies: From vicious relationships to virtuous responsibility"

Próximo Futuro

(na foto: Sofia Guedes Vaz) 



Destaque para o paper recentemente publicado pelas investigadoras Sofia Guedes VazOlívia Bina, resultante de uma comunicação inicialmente apresentada no workshop que o Próximo Futuro organizou sobre "A Felicidade" (Novembro 2010).


The debates questioning the meaning of growth point to a need for a more holistic understanding of human beings and of the economic actor, fundamental to economic theory and practice. This contribution turns to virtue ethics in order to reframe the self in more reflexive, relational and environmental terms. We explore the significance of understanding humans' sense of responsibility that is quintessentially relational, and of their capacity and need to relate to nature as well as community and society. We begin by reviewing the main arguments in the thriving debate in ecological economics, around what the characteristics of the human being can contribute to implement an ecologically sustainable development. Our aim is then to draw a link between this debate and that of virtue ethics, that leads to a different understanding of the human being, of what can contribute to individual wellbeing (and a good life): responsibility, we argue, is not only a value but a virtue, that enables individuals to find meaning in acting responsibly towards the environment, emphasising the multiple benefits that arise from framing good lives in active terms. We conclude reflecting on the challenges to, and implications of our proposition for government institutions, particularly education. (Abstract)



Para ler mais, é por aqui.




EUNIC Studio 2011: candidaturas em curso

Próximo Futuro



Decorre até ao próximo dia 16 de Outubro o prazo de inscrição para participar no Workshop “Recicla a cidade, abordagem à sustentabilidade e a arquitectura”, organizado pela EUNIC South Africa, e cuja 4º Edição vai ter lugar em Johannesburg entre os dias 21 e 26 de Novembro do corrente ano.


O programa de 2011 será baseado num novo caso de estudo sobre um edifício de Hillbrow (Joanesburgo), em que, participantes de diferentes nacionalidades estudarão juntos as possibilidades de transformação e melhora de dito edifício no marco de um programa internacional de intercâmbio.


O centro da cidade de Johannesburg e em Hillbrow, possui história e uma complexa configuração. Está composta de um moderno património de grande edifícios de características de interesse arquitectónico. No passado estes edifícios eram residências de uma camada próspera da população, hoje estes edifícios são o abrigo de uma camada da população em dificuldades, sendo a maior parte imigrantes. 


O objectivo é de propor transformações para estes prédios, para que se convertam em casas decentes e ao alcance do maior número possível de pessoas. É o reciclar urbano, transformando as situações existentes e usando as mesmas como ponto de partida para qualquer projecto. Trabalhar num edifico ocupado é complicado, mas ao mesmo tempo é uma oportunidade, um desafio arquitectónico.

Baseado no princípio da precisão, uma investigação será efectuada das situações existentes, isto tornará possível a avaliação das acções a serem tomadas.


O trabalho resultante do workshop será exposto em Durban na conferência das Nações Unidas sobre mudanças climáticas (COP 17).


Entre os convidados internacionais destacam nomes como:

- Iain Low / arquitecto / South Africa

- Carin Smuts / arquitecto / South Africa

- Frans Sebothoma / building management / South Africa

- Frédéric Druot / arquitecto / France          

- Françis Kere / arquitecto / Germany / Burkina Fasso

- Alex Ely / arquitecto / England

- Christophe Hutin / arquitecto / France



Mais informações no website da EUNIC e um atalho para o relatório do curador da última edição aqui.


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