De Berlim para a América Latina: OPEN CALL “Between Windows”
Tendo por mote “El libro de los seres imaginarios” do argentino Jorge Luis Borges, o SideBySide Studio de Berlim está a organizar, em co-produção com o colectivo Mindpirates, um programa de três dias a acontecer na Alemanha, no final de Maio de 2011, sobre e em torno da América Latina através da sua própria produção artística:
Jorge Luis Borges talked about a red fish swims backwards so the water will not get into its eyes in El libro de los seres imaginarios (The
Book of Imaginary Beings), this red fish pops up whenever we are confronted with differences in thinking.
Between Windows attempts to initiate dialogues about and around Latin America through time-based media to see if we can swim backwards
together. Many people asked us what is the theme for program, like every good conversation, we do not know where it will take us before
it starts.
For this program, we have chosen to be humble and want to listen to friends and experts from Latin America first before we open our mouth. Yet we are prepared to meet the demands of political-cultural debate and to navigate the diverse visual output that confronts the territory in the crisis time today.
Por isso: artistas visuais nascidos ou residentes na América Latina estão convidados a enviar as suas “experiências artísticas” até ao próximo dia 4 de Abril de 2011. Todos os detalhes aqui.